Fit-Old aims to:
1 Provide the state-of-the-art of the topic of the relationships between the daily mobility of the elderly of more than 65 years, their perceptions, the built environment, socioeconomics and personal attributes with their physical activity and fitness in 6 European countries, with focus on less studied contexts.
2 Producing reliable data generated uniformly in 6 partner countries. This will facilitate understanding the dissimilarities between these issues in different European countries and regions. As a result, more effective intervention policies can be adopted.
3 Shorten the time required so that the results of such academic studies reach the hands of policymakers, planners, and those who are supposed to intervene in the way the elderly act out their daily urban travels and possibly affect their physical activity and fitness.
4 Filling the gap between the empirical academic studies on the project subjects with the real users, namely the seniors with more than 65 years of age. This project attempts to provide easy to-understand inputs for seniors within the shortest time between the production of scientific outputs and presentation to end-users.